Monday, July 12, 2010

numbness is failing me

he spoke to the insides of me
from the first embrace
when the flickers of something more than nothing were
crackling the synapses like firecrackers behind touching skin
even just fingertips
could not be extinguished beneath soft spring rains
fighting against the very nature of things
i vowed patience abundance
branded his name to the insides of me
burned into my heart like a sword slicing through fire
three quick slashes
forcing me to look across crowded patios
seeking the slight squint of a winking glance
finding acknowledgement
until i could find myself lost to him again and again
he touched the insides of me
thoroughly and deeply contributing to the stories within
offering the moments to fuel the metaphors
for more than a thousand days
offering the moments to fuel the dreams
of more than a thousand more nights
when the patience has become my enemy
he dulled the insides of me
to an ache only likened to that of a vast emptiness
yearning to be filled
an unquenchable thirst
waiting for springtime rains to fall again

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