This poem is about you
about the way I feel when your proximity cuts to within twelve inches
about waiting for your hand to move to mine
it is about wondering if you are wondering about me
at this moment
as well and alongside an empty chair
it is a question if you will take it upon yourself to call
it is a question if you will take it upon yourself to write
This poem is about you
about where you are right now while I am here at this computer screen
about how long it is going to take for our personal space to intermingle
about time passing
about a story of a boy who hasnt met a girl
at least not yet
a road to be travelled by matching well worn converse
towards each another
This poem is about you
it cannot describe the way you smell when your arms surround me
it cannot trap the sparkle in your eye when I have caught you laughing
but it can be a love letter to a concept
consider it an invitation to find your way across cities and roads to me
my intuition has given me warning
whoever you are
This poem is about you
Okay, so is this guy you're writing to/at just oblivious or what?
now eric, if you read it you realize the person / something i am writing about doesnt really exist... thats the point.
i heart this one :)
he's out there right his life...becoming the person you will fall in love with...
corina, this is totally inspired by somehting you said to me like 3 years ago... do you remember? this is really your poem. And i knew you would comment on it!
i do remember...i believe that with my whole gives me happiness and peace in a way...
thanks tiff...i really love it :)
hey lovely - you totally get it - especially the last third. rickie lee jones sang a song last night (video on my blog) and, paraphrasing, she sang something like i came here to love someone and i'm gonna keep trying. xoxo
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