Tuesday, October 12, 2010


there a was a drawer in my heart i left empty for you
for your belongings
space for your baggage
room for you to put your things when you came to stay
even briefly
for the night
for the weekend
but you would haphazardly throw a bag of clothes on the floor
to be scooped up upon every exit
perhaps a renegade sock left to hide beneath the bookshelf
i opened it the other day to wipe the cobwebs away
it remained empty
lifeless, except for a spider that scurried out
only to disappear into the floorboards
ready to make cobwebs in somebody elses misplaced wishes
looking around at the clutter
thinking i can use that space
neatly organized
labelled for efficiency
alphabetized laundry list of longings
mark a check beside each given in completion
blinds opened
letting some light in


ERIN said...


seth kelley elkins said...

well crafted. i wrote something a few days back that i used a joseph campbell quote in, that may even fit here better than the way i used it.

"desire, fulfillment and regret; the future, the present and the past"
~joseph campbell

T. Lettieri said...

thank you for your comment. i really love that quote.